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Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?... Is there a way to see without a proxy?... Like change the .su by other letters or something?... I used the search for answers about this problem and couldn't find. Thanks in advance. Greetings.

Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
It is the same for me

Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
Same for me. It's just a blank white page.

Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
Ya, still waiting for any method and nothing, i still can't see, i don't know why people keep posting with that. (And yes i can't use Tor Browser, not worth it, imagine a situation in which you have to download 100 pictures or more, that's why we should use a server that works for everyone and you can use bulk programs to download all). Greetings.

Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
According to this is one of the accepted host right?... And is an outside place so i can't post as problem since it not a site problem, but at the same time lot of people can't see photos from there, and everyone in this forum use that to host all the pictures, so how this works?... Where to ask for a change of host so everyone can see the pictures?... Can't post as a site problem?... This thread is also closed so this is super strange, we're trapped on a problem that we can't even ask to solve?... I hope some mod or admin can check this thread and could bring a solution. At least to have a few more hosts for pictures, but the fair reality is that shouldn't be a host that lot of people can't see. Thanks in advance. Greetings.

Link:*****.com/thr ... -hosts.34/

Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
Thanks to , with this simple proxy online seems to be working, i'll try later if this can also work for bulk download. Greetings.

Link:*****.com/mem ... 07.177640/

Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
Does any DFidol-X's subcriber have full version of this one? It's Jeon So Min video (i dont remember its number) Please upload if you have it or any full video about her, thank you.


Re: Off Topic I can't see since almost a week any method to solve this problem?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm
by oliver21a
Just now after all this time i can see jpg4 content again directly, but damn it, now i can't enter to coomer and kemono, this kind of stuff happens because of my ISP is doing changes right? Greetings.