Off Topic How E-thotting Works (how to get the content you want)

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Re: Off Topic How E-thotting Works (how to get the content you want)

Post by oliver21a »

According to this Kat hit her all time peak in late May and has dropped significantly since then. It makes sense, as May was her "25 days of micro bikinis", and she kept raising the limit on that subscription. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the cause for the momentary boost. The peak before that was June 2020 (deep in the pandemic lockdown when this kind of thing was surging in popularity, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was another 25 days thing). Aside from that, she's been pretty steady at 700-950 subscribers for almost her entire tenure on Patreon. What's more, , but you basically get access to all her Patreon content by just having the $5 per month tier. That's why it all leaks so predictably. The other rewards are basically nothing. Access to a private Instagram page and your name featured on a special supporters page. The highest tier of $60/month gets you a signed poster and an extra try-on video (which, if you're paying $5 and getting two per week, plus her youtube, which is all the same stuff, I'm not sure you'd even notice the extra.) So I wouldn't be surprised if more than 80% of her patrons are paying $10 or less. That being said, as I mentioned before, even if it was 100% $5 subscribers, that's still ≈$4500/month on average. So while it's not "better than ever," it ain't bad. Throw in the extra $30k per quarter for the "25 days" specials, plus what she's getting from OnlyFans and any other monetization schemes, and she's doing pretty good. So yeah, no real need to not phone it in on the standard Patreon. Again, it's probably her lowest earning thing. Exactly. The industry term is "". If you have enough of a social media presence, you can count on a certain amount of curious newbs who are late to the party and buy in to check it out themselves. They effectively replace the earlier crop of buyers who have dropped off. If you're good-looking enough and/or your content is just spicy enough, or even if your front-end funnel is popular enough, this can actually work for a decent period of time. This is why these e-thots rely so heavily on social media. It's almost like a Ponzi scheme where they constantly need new money to keep it going. Social media is the exposure vehicle that functions as the faucet that provides a constant influx of new customers to replace the ones who cancel. As I was saying earlier, it's why accounts like hers have basically been in the same place for 3 years. She doesn't improve her content, doesn't bother to do anything to grow, so she doesn't. But she offers just enough and has just enough of a social media presence that she can at least maintain revenue. I suppose the low price point doesn't hurt either. When you think about it, it's comparatively a decent amount of content for $5/month. I'm sure plenty of subscribers know the drill by now, are tired of it, but it's such a negligible amount that they're willing to let it ride on the off chance she does something interesting.

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