Off Topic How to stop Bunkr SPAM (windows 10, Brave browser)

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Off Topic How to stop Bunkr SPAM (windows 10, Brave browser)

Post by oliver21a »

OK, So the first try only worked once, seems like they keep changing the filenames to stop this kind of thing. So, here's another way to do it, but you'll need to do it on every page, every time you open it. It's a crappy solution, but it's still better than all the adverts if you're browsing a largish album or you want to scan through a video. It should also work on every browser (except firefox, can't get it to stop in there ,even when i turn the events off). Click on your bunkr link. On the bunkr page, press F12 to open the console. You should now see 2 (or 3) extra windows open in your browser. In Brave and chrome it's on the right. There should be 2 top menus visible now, one with "Elements", "recorder", "console" etc You want that one to be on "Elements". The second top menu will have "styles", "computed", "layout" and "Event listeners". Click on event listeners. You will see a list of events, one of them will be "mousedown" (sneaky bastards!), if you open it, there should be 2 listeners listed. If there's only one, wait a bit, (clicking on the part where it says "Document" seemed to work for me) until there are two. Then click the "Remove" button on both of them. Press F12 again to close the console and you're good to go. Sounds complicated at first, but you get used to it pretty quick and it's well better than dealing with the adverts. I just checked it in chrome, it wont work unless you have adblock installed (to stop the browser pausing when you open the console) but works sweet if you do. Take Care, TDK

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