Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
this app is already dead, and the worst thing is that there is no alternative as good as buzzcast was
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
Como todos sabem, o buzzcast atualizou suas politicas, e uma delas foi a luta contra a nudez e os privados Literalmente mataram o app O intuito dessa thread, é compartilharmos novas opções para que o forum tambem nao morra. Eu tenho assistido o MLiveU, aparentemente a predominancia é asiatica, mas é bem frouxo com regras, acho que vale dar uma olhada. Descobrindo outros, atualizo a thread, e gostaria da ajuda de voces!
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
Popo live ,vendo bot para conseguir cualquier id sin invitación ,(incluso tengo un feed)
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
uma mina do buzz me falou em uma live dela no tang0 q esta fazendo no POPO live, e no Ligolive
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
Por isso que nunca mais vi as meninas q segui entrando em lives Mataram o app, vive vazio agora
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
App morreu, vamos deixar eles afundarem... Único motivo que geral migrou pro app foi justamente pelo fato dos pvs, de não dar ban facilmente, e eles conseguiram estragar isso. Disseram que algumas mulheres foram para o Popo Live chat, baixei hj e vi algumas lá, inclusive as colombianas
Re: Off Topic What’s happen with Buzzcast last days? A lot of Girls were frozen and kicked out ?!
But it’s not possible to use with IOS IPhone