Off Topic Cyberdrop DL.V3 How to setup the username and password?
Off Topic Cyberdrop DL.V3 How to setup the username and password?
Hi, i used to use Cyberdrop DL.V3 to bulk download images in the other forum that was closed and it works really well, but i had a .bat file with the username and password ready for that forum, now it's seems that is in some HDD, so i did a new one and i can't seem to find the way to make it work for this forum. So the Start Windows.bat inside is like this: pip install --upgrade cyberdrop-dl cyberdrop-dl pause And in the help it says to use it like this: --social*****-username username to login to social***** (only required if the thread requires it) --social*****-password password to login to social***** (only required if the thread requires it) So i did: pip install --upgrade cyberdrop-dl cyberdrop-dl --social*****-myusername --social*****-mypassword pause And it doesn't work, and i tried with the email in username and the username itself. The error is: "cyberdrop-dl: error: unrecognized arguments:" Anyone knows how to properly setup?
Re: Off Topic Cyberdrop DL.V3 How to setup the username and password?
I would assume it can be used as: you put a space after the argument flag and provide a value there. Hope this helps!
Re: Off Topic Cyberdrop DL.V3 How to setup the username and password?
Oh, so i don't just put my username replacing "username", so i have to leave --social*****-username and then space an my username, i'lll try it, and i let you know. Greetings.