Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
Since the first episode just came out I thought it might be fun to have a place to talk about it and share theories or whatever else.
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
Pretty good first episode I thought. Excited to watch the rest.
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
Is it worth watching or is it just another generic marvel show?
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
How did the dollar store CGI end up looking?
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
It was pretty alright, it's a lot more on the humor side and the first episode is short (30 minutes)
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
I thought it was pretty good. Funny, I likr the breaking the 4th wall stuff. The cgi is not bad at all, better than the first trailer. But as with all recent marvel stuff they skip through some parts too quickly.
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
I liked the first episode, tons of easter eggs in the background for hulk fans
Re: Off Topic She Hulk Discussion
It looks awful lol, but ill give it a shot